Institutional Distinctiveness

Research Activities

B.M.S. College of Law in its pursuit of academic creativity and excellence in the field of research has established an independent Research Club to imbibe research skills among students and faculties to encourage them to take up minor research projects and otherresearch activities. The minor research project by students will be done under the guidance of faculty members. The legal research is an integral part of law college which increases the overall students understanding of academic research and make original contribution in the field of law. The club will nurture the collaborative research work between faculty members and students in various disciplines. The research activities aims at active involvement of students and faculties in research centric activities for better understanding of socio legal issues and to motivate them to contribute in legal field. The Research activities also provide opportunities for students to participate in conferences, workshops, symposium, etc and to take up small research surveys to address the socio-legal issues. The main objective of the club is to promote independent research among students and faculties. Minor Research Project is funded by the Institution and any eligible students and faculties may apply for financial support with well-prepared proposals at any time during the academic period through the research club.